Posts from July 2014

On The Set With Cora Bissett

Cora discussing Roadkill with the Company If asked to summarize Cora Bisset’s Roadkill, I’d pick something along the lines of provocative, shattering, and tragic. However, after[…]

An Open Table

What is theatre exactly? How do we define it? Should we define it? Is it sacred? Or should it be free for anyone to claim[…]

David Harrower: Secret Revealed

Daunting. Unfathomable. Overwhelming. Unattainable. As our season of master classes draws to a close, these adjectives lingered in the back of my mind, the part[…]

Lynda Radley: The Communal Act of Sharing

The Company, staging Dorm with Lynda (right) Lynda Radley, playwright of Futureproof, a play about what intrigues people to watch fantastic “transformation stories” and what[…]

The Citizens’ Theatre

Image courtesy The Today, our company had the pleasure of exploring Glasgow’s “Citizens Theatre,” and from the moment we arrived, it was obvious that[…]

An Out of Body Experience

You know those moments in life where it feels as if you’ve floated up out of your body, watching yourself? Or how about a time[…]

Progress of the Show & Rehearsal

Royal Conservatory of Scotland Two weeks into devising here in Glasgow finds us, the cast and creative team of Forget Fire, deep in the midst[…]

Mark Fisher, English Class, and Modern Drama (@MarkFFisher)

Mark teaches a session for Modern Drama: Scottish Theatre. We have been very busy in our Modern Scottish Drama class! Not only are we tackling[…]

Master Class with Nicola McCartney – Rachel’s House – @nicolamccartney

 Today, Nicola McCartney visited our company to speak with us about her life as a playwright. After briefly telling us her story Nicola introduced us[…]

Edinburgh, the Royal Mile, and Scottish Parliment

This week the entire group and I have officially become a family under a blanket of intense classes and rehearsals involving music, philosophical questions, poetry,[…]