I have enjoyed this rehearsal process so much. A lot of the reason it has been such a pleasant experience is because this cast is very comfortable with each other and it gives us so much freedom to explore our relationships within the show. Hollace’s guidance has been so crucial to these relationships as well. She truly empowers us as actors to play and embrace the freedom to make new choices and develop our characters in very specific and effective ways. She also has us do plenty of table work and exercises when working a scene that truly propels the storytelling that we do. I feel like everytime we do a runthrough or review a scene, my relationships with each person in the friend group gets more intentional and impactful.
An emphasis in digging into my characters wants and super objectives really helps me get into character before going on for a scene. A solid warm up and review of lines helps me get into a good mindset for rehearsal, especially when we are so busy and oftentimes tired and with a million things on our mind, getting into a rhythm and routine helps me stay consistent. Overall, I have had so much fun balancing rehearsals, class, workload, and free time. Despite the busy schedule I have been able to make so many fun memories in Glasgow and I am so grateful to be on this trip with this specific group of people.
My favorite part of the rehearsal process has been the special emphasis in tablework. It helps us as actors truly embody these characters and make them our own. Hollace leads us to make new and fun discoveries that would have been more challenging to find had we not focused on the text as much. She also does fun improvs that she pulls from the text that help us build our relationships with other characters and give us more context for our characters.
I have never been to the UK before and the more time I spend here, the more I grow to love it. There are always things to do, but one of my favorite day to day activities is trying all the different foods and cafes they have here. They have phenomenal Indian food, ramen, and Greek food. All the cafes have so much character, but my favorite one by far was called meow cafe, they had cats roaming around that you could interact with as you drank your coffee, it was awesome. It is also interesting to see the cultural and political differences. As we do a show about climate change, it has been a little bit of a surprise to see how often this particular topic is talked about. They have directions on how to recycle correctly in every single store you go to, they have places to empty out liquids to make sure it can be accomplished without much trouble, and everyone seems to be on the progressive mindset that this is an issue that needs to be dealt with. It makes me excited to perform this show for them.
We have also been able to go to a lot of cool movie theaters while we have been here. It has been one of my favorite activities to do after rehearsal. 4D movies seem to be popular here in the UK and we saw Despicable Me 4 and Twisters in the 4D experience and it was a blast. It was constant stimulation at all times and it really added to the experience. Oftentimes, it felt like being on a roller coaster. I am definitely a 4D fan now.
One of my favorite memories here in Glasgow was a bunch of us all got to go see Hozier in concert! He was amazing and it was such a treat to share the experience with everyone. With a taxing schedule, it’s always a breath of fresh air to be able to spend time with everyone outside of classes and rehearsals.
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